Who says these brown papers are dull? and who says they are only good for packing parcels? call me a cheapsket, but i think they are worth much more!
Brown is definitely not boring!
In case you run out of wrapping papers, you can always count of them. all you need is just some coloured paper cuttings and jazz it up with your own style. you can find brown paper rolls at almost every stationary shop almost everywhere, wherever you are! they're easy to fold, they're reliable, they're not as fragile as most wrappers, and they're cheap!!
I used some butterfly cuttings to decorate my gift. you can cut any shape you fancy, using templates or those crafty punchers etc. if dont have much time in your hands, get varieties of them, all ready made, and cut out at most craft stores.
You can do so much with them, commonly, you can stick them on to the paper, but i wouldnt be happy with just that. what i did was i string them onto a thread. this will take quite a bit of your time but once you're done, you'd be very pelased with yourself for not simply sticking them onto the wrapper.
Its time to give these brown paper a place on the wrapper stands. its time for you to create your own style, its time to get creative!

cantiknya kupu2 biru tu
Za, I am so amazed with your creativeness. Dari dulu sudah. Btw, wrong place to post this but I lost your number and I wanted to tell you that I will be posted to London soon - Nina Brunei
Cantiknyaa.....juling mata sat!!!..
cute si rama2 tuh...
where do you get all these ideas zaza?
za, tak nak buat cupcakes ke? it's a hit in KL nowadays. i can imagine you'll be very good at cupcakes too. bleh bukak online business maa. if only holland's just a few hundred kilos away, u'll be busy making and selling your creative stuffs here. -yaya.
jo ayee: i love them too!
nina: CONGRATULATIONSSSSSSS!!! we will be only 1 hour away from each other!! nin, this was what you've always wanted kan? since uni kan?! thanks for the call and we'll chat again soon k?! love to you, and the kids! xoxoxoxo
mat g: kita lagi juling tengok dia masak!
ajzie: yep, they are indeed!
mia: sometimes out of nowhere, somtimes just by fiddling with them, sometimes on shopwindows.. everywhere, really!
yaya: the thing is, i can only bake them cupcakes but i cant do the icing bit! my next post will prove my point! you'll surely laugh!
alaahh soo prettynya. love love love your taste Zaza!
tw: thank you dear! they're simple ideas! takes time threading the butterflies je. apart from that, semuanya senang!
that is so creative.
drno: thank you!!! :)
cool idea !!
~ Ddah
thanks ddah! ;)
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